Frequently Asked Questions

How to optimize parallel computing parameters?

The main parallel computing parameters include parallel_jobs, pa_correction, -t in minimap2_options_raw, minimap2_options_cns and -p in correction_options. parallel_jobs and pa_correction are used to control the number of subtasks running at the same time, -t and -p are used to control the number of threads/processes used in a single subtask. Each parallel_jobs subtask (including minimap2_options_raw and minimap2_options_cns) requires 32~64 gb RAM depending on the max read length, each pa_correction subtask (including correction_options) requires ~TOTAL_INPUT_BASES/4 bytes RAM.

  1. For an assembly on a local computer with P cores and M gb memory. A typical configuration file can be set like this (not the best, but better than the default):

job_type = local
parallel_jobs = M/64 #here, 64 can optimize to 32~64

pa_correction = M/(TOTAL_INPUT_BASES * 1.2/4)
sort_options = -m TOTAL_INPUT_BASES * 1.2/4g -t P/pa_correction
correction_options = -p P/pa_correction
minimap2_options_raw = -t P/parallel_jobs

minimap2_options_cns = -t P/parallel_jobs
  1. For an assembly on a computer cluster with N computer nodes and each computer node has P cores and M gb memory. A typical configuration file can be set like this (not the best, but better than the default):

let parallel_jobs_local = M/64 #here, 64 can optimize to 32~64
let pa_correction_local = M/(TOTAL_INPUT_BASES * 1.2/4)
job_type = sge
parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs_local * N

pa_correction = pa_correction_local * N
sort_options = -m TOTAL_INPUT_BASES * 1.2/4g -t P/pa_correction_local
correction_options = -p P/pa_correction_local
minimap2_options_raw = -t P/parallel_jobs_local

minimap2_options_cns = -t P/parallel_jobs_local

What’s the difference between nd.asm.p.fasta and the final assembly result nd.asm.fasta?

In theroy, nd.asm.p.fasta contains more structural & base errors than nd.asm.fasta, you can chose nd.asm.p.fasta as the final assembly result, but validate the assembly quality first.

How to adjust parameters if the assembly size is smaller than the expected genome size?

For highly heterozygous genomes, try to set nextgraph_options = -a 1 -A, otherwise you can set -q from 5 to 16 in nextgraph_options, our tests show that setting nextgraph_options = -a 1 -q 10 can usually get the best result.

Which job scheduling systems are supported by NextDenovo?

NextDenovo uses Paralleltask to submit, control, and monitor jobs, so theoretically it supports all Paralleltask-compliant systems, such as LOCAL, SGE, PBS, SLURM.

How to continue running unfinished tasks?

No need to make any changes, simply run the same command again.

How to reduce the total number of subtasks?

Please increase blocksize and reduce seed_cutfiles.

How to speed up NextDenovo?

Currently, the bottlenecks of NextDenovo are minimap2 and IO. For minimap2, please see here to accelerate minimap2, besides, you can increase -l to reduce result size and disk consumption. For IO, you can check how many activated subtasks using top/htop, in theory, it should be equal to the -p parameter defined in correction_options. Use usetempdir will reduce IO wait, especially if usetempdir is on a SSD driver.

How to specify the queue/cpu/memory/bash to submit jobs?

See here to edit the Paralleltask configure template file cluster.cfg, or use the submit parameter.